End of Season Playdowns for our 2024-25 season will be Saturday, March 8th.

    See Calendar for additional schedule details.

    See Playdowns for bracket information.

    Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Judy at 715-425-2054 for more information.


    SCCC arena


    Create an account on this website - Click on 'Create an Account' on the right side of this page and complete the information, Once completed, check your email account and click to verify your email address. Check your Spam or Junk folder if you do not get a message to verify your email address. 

    Then, wait for an email confirmation from the Website Administrator before logging in, Allow about 24 hours for verification email to be sent


    Pay online with a Credit Card. We strongly encourage all to use this option as it will make the registration, waivers acceptance, and payment processing more efficient. 

    REMINDER: When you pay online, make sure for credit card expiration date use the format of MMYY with no slash or hyphen (e.g. 1022 for  October 2022).

    PLAYOFFS: Saturday, March 8, 2025

    VOLUNTEERS: As we continue to grow, we need more volunteers. Please register as a Volunteer. 


    EQUIPMENT – If/when you are ready to buy curling equipment – you will need a broom and slider. Most curlers wear rubber-soled shoes. There are curling shoes, gloves, accessories for those that wish to purchase them.  Some curling suppliers include: 

    Brooms UP Curling Supplies - www.broomsupcurlingsupplies.com

    Dakota Curling Supply - dakotacurling.supplies 

    Steves Curling Supplies -  stevescurling.com


    The St Croix Curling Center is in the planning stages of building a dedicated curling arena on the same site as St. Mary's Point hockey arena.  The new curling arena will be operating as the St Croix Valley Community Center. Please click on St Croix Valley Curling Center for more information.


    Our Sponsors:

    North Pole Engineering www.npe-inc.com

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    Rapit Printing, Inc. www.rapit.com

    rapit printing

     James Honsvall, LTD (CPA) www.honsvallcpa.com

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    Donate To Our Center


    St. Mary's Point Ice Arena
    2489 Itasca Ave S, Lakeland, MN 55043, USA

    Contact Us

    Phone: 715-425-2054
    Email: info@stcroixcurlingcenter.org